Cannabis Under The Microscope
Learning more and more about Cannabis I found the book Cannabis under the Microscope from Ted Kinsman. I was so fascinated with the images he created with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) that I felt a really great desire to paint them. I am so happy to announce that I got the permission from Ted Kinsman to paint the images from his book.
About Ted Kinsman
Kinsman has an AS in Optics, a BS in Physics, and a MS in Science Education. He has worked as an optical engineer, a physicist, and a physics instructor before coming to RIT to teach the technical side of imaging.
Ted Kinsman is one of the few active high-speed photographers able to photograph at times less than 1/1,000,000th of a second. That is faster than a speeding bullet. Recently, Kinsman’s work has expanded to the x-ray region of the spectrum where he continues to explore imagery for books and magazines. His work has appeared on The Discovery Channel, Crime Scene Investigations (CSI), The X-Files, South Park, The Tyra Banks Show, ABC, NBC, PBS, CBS and the British Broadcast Corporation.
Recently, he did work on The Frozen Planet series, and James Cameron’s Avatar movie.
In 2015, Kinsman won the National Science Foundation’s Imaging Science Contest with an x-ray image of a turtle with eggs. Kinsman’s work predominantly focuses on using images to teach science.
THC Storage
SN Number 10385
Oil on stretched canvas
gallery wrapped canvas 1 1/2 inch
all surfaces painted
20 x 20 inch
50.8 x 50.8 cm
Instagram/Twitter #TCHStorage
Please note that colors will vary slightly due to calibration differences in Monitors
Trichomes in the fold of a young bract leaf. The older the leaf, the higher the chances the trichomes have stuck together or collected dust. This plant was grown in an isolated hydroponic system for the sole purpose of being the subject of the scanning electron microscope. Print magnification is x200
Labyrinth to Life
SN Number 10388
Oil on stretched canvas
gallery wrapped canvas 1 1/2 inch
all surfaces painted
36 x 48 inch
91.4 x 121.9 cm
Instagram/Twitter #LabyrinthToLife
Please note that colors will vary slightly due to calibration differences in Monitors
The seed surface is a grooved structure that absorbs water and repels bacterial growth. The seed is a storehouse of proteins. Once water and the correct temperature are experienced, not only does germination start but the seed becomes a perfect environment for bacteria and paramecium (free-living organism). Magnification is x900 Ted Kinsman
The Edge
SN Number 10389
Oil on stretched canvas
gallery wrapped canvas 1 1/2 inch
all surfaces painted
36 x 48 inch
91.4 x 121.9 cm
Instagram/Twitter #TheEdge
Please note that colors will vary slightly due to calibration differences in Monitors
An edge view of a five week old stem. The combination of physical and chemical defenses must work quite well, as these structures can also be found on a large number of plants including the common tomato plant. Magnification is x125 Ted Kinsman
Harvest Bubble
SN Number 10391
Oil on stretched canvas
gallery wrapped canvas 1 1/2 inch
all surfaces painted
30 x 30 inch
76.2 x 76.2 cm
Instagram/Twitter #HarvestBubble
Please note that colors will vary slightly due to calibration differences in Monitors
Several types of trichomes cover the surface of the cannabis plant. This is a short variety that grows very close to the surface. This trichome top is made from about two dozen cells. All of these cells produce cannabinoids that protect against insect attack. Magnification is x900 Ted Kinsman
The Transporter 1
SN Number 10386
Oil on stretched canvas
gallery wrapped canvas 1 1/2 inch
all surfaces painted
36 x 48 inch
91.4 x 121.9 cm
Instagram/Twitter #TheTransporter1
Please note that colors will vary slightly due to calibration differences in Monitors
Original art piece and prints on canvas are available
Close up of the root transport cells. Minute crystals are visible on close examination. Ted Kinsman
The Transporter 2
SN Number 10387
Oil on stretched canvas
gallery wrapped canvas 1 1/2 inch
all surfaces painted
24 x 48 inch
61 x 121.9 cm
Instagram/Twitter #TheTransporter2
Please note that colors will vary slightly due to calibration differences in Monitors
Original art piece and prints on canvas are available
The root is full of cells that transport nutrients and water. Some cells are supported by a screen like mesh that allows liquids to flow to adjacent cells. Magnification is x2100 Ted Kinsman